Friday 17 June 2016

The Remote Hosed Journey so far

Been a week since I have been in a more remote area since that office move.  Things are settling in, looking for new places to change out for the post work hoseout while thinking of how far I can go in shades.  Looking at the area being a clustered business area, the efficiency in the elevator, the furthest I could go should just be Nutmeg shade which give a warm greyish, flattering look to my legs.

Explored the mall within the 1st day of posting here; unfortunately, there aren't any stores selling hosiery, so I didn't have the opportunity to window shop/restock.  It doesn't matter for now as I have adequate stockups in my hosiery stash that can last me a long time as long as I maintain them well.
So far, it hasn't been too bad when I hosed out in skintone shades from the nearest changing facility in office.  

Taking the regular route to the bus stop was still alright when I stick to skintone shade, but I could try a day in Nutmeg shade and see how it goes.  Smoky Pearl should stay out for awhile until the entire area is analysed.

There are a few good clothing stores which I can expand my legwear styles via leggings so I managed to grab a couple of pairs for a good deal for a start.  Will be reviewing these in a separate entry as I merge them with hosiery in time to come.

Meanwhile, lets' continue to assess the area and see how I can go about my hoseout walks after work.

Outdoor Hose Report - Drizzly Wrapup

The last day of the work week and welcomed by a drizzly rainy.  As it is one of the earlier out days in this remote location, I went on with the last hoseout for this week.  Found a Gents in the office tower and made my change there.  Today's hoseout is in a pair of Funfit Suntan shade sheer to waist pantyhose with beige berms and green striped top.

Took the walk out in the nearest proximity from the "hostile area", which isn't flagged as such today being the fact I am not in offskin shade hose.  Walked past the pretty crowded 1st level which are lined with eateries, commuting office workers and took my path to take my transport home.  There was a slight drizzle, so probably that's one reason no one noticed my hosed legs, or possibly that everyone's busy making their way around.  The moment of walking through clusters of office workers felt like bravely hosing out in CBD, as this place is identical with the setup.

Walked to the bus stop, through a mall, which is packed with commuting workers, boarded the bus which took me direct to a transiting hometown.  The bus was already less crowded by the time I reached my destination.   As it is a skintone shade, it's less prominent, but there is a higher gloss at certain angles as compared to Proepeds.

Transited via a train to my hometown, crossing roads and pedestrians in the wet weather, and soon, home James.

Hosed Mission Successful.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Extended Outdoor Hoseout

Since the workplace will be relocated somewhere a little remote, this means that more time will be dedicated to a longer hoseout after work.

The travel time will be extended considerably; first of all, to familiar myself with the environment, where I can change out to casuals conveniently, and the shade tolerance of hose since this is an area which technically is "hostile", and the fastest way out is only by the solo subway station which serves the area.

Longer journeys can also mean that I can possibly have more time getting this blog updated with what's mentally jotted but yet to be published.  Keep reading and I'll fill these entries up.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Outdoor Hose Report - Quiet Hosed Evening

An evening where partner had dinner appointment with colleagues so I had to find my own program after work.  After the routine fitness regime, I decided to head out since the mall in hometown had absolutely nothing much to see, though it was a short duration before the shop I intend to visit, will close.  Been looking around for some casual leggings as trousers, which could form my next outdoor attire, complete with hosiery.

Wore a ribbed blue top, Propeds Elegant All Sheers, Beige shade, with pale blue linen berms, matched off with Flips Bare Pinstripe Denim blue boat shoes and took the subway to the nearby town.  It's surprising to see quite a number of people around, though some of the shops are already closing pretty soon.  Went to the shop I wanted to drop by, but found the leggings of too small a fit for me, hence decided to walk aorund to another shop.  The variety of leggings there too, are limited, hence I didnt manage to get anything even after hearing the pre-closure annoucement.

Moved off to another area and found nothing I am looking for, so i guess, it was more like a reccee trip rather than fruitless.  Considering the time I had dropped by, it probably wasn't too adequate for any extensive shopping or hosewalk.  Anyhow, walking around at this hour in hose openly is a great experience.   And it definitely feels great to be wearing them out freely.

Short trip done, took the subway back and a short walk brought me back home.  Not much crowds seen in my hometown as most are either home or out in downtown for a Saturday evening.

Hosed Mission Successful.

Outdoor Hose Report - Work on Mobile and Hosed

One of the earlier Saturday mornings that I headed out and waited to a cafe while partner is on a periodical short term work on a non-official working day.  Since I had the attire for the evening's short hose walk worn for a short period, I decided to use back the same attire and hose.   So I had my Propeds Elegant All Sheers in Beige shade, matched with a ribbed blue top, pale blue linen berms and Flips Bare Pinstripe Denim blue boat shoes.

It was a rather sunny morning when we headed out so my hosed legs were soft to the look under the bright sunlight; it was meant to be a light shade look since that was the overall appearance.

Took the subway down to town, settled myself with an ice blended drink in a quiet corner of the cafe and did some work remotely.  It was a quiet morning considering this wasn't a workng day for most people, hence I was probaly the 3rd customer when I found my way in.  A couple of cleaning staff of the main building could be seen moving around outside; with the clear glass panel of the cafe, my hosed legs can't be hidden from anywhere, though far much less in the train.

After partner was done with work, we headed down to a famous stall for some local old trade food; past a few pedestrians after crossing the main junction near her workplace, trotted through a few pavements and found the place to eat.  It was early but was getting crowded due the fame and popularity of the food served here.  Once done with lunch, walked over to a place for some desserts before heading the way back via an interlinked bus route to the main subway line.  In both subway directions, I had to stand in the middle between the 2 seated rows in the cabin; that put my hosed legs in full view of those seated behind me, as there were barely any passengers standing in the same area as I do.  That didn't bother me as it was already a regular attire for me when I am outdoors.

Upon arrival in hometown, ran some errands at the grocers before heading home.  It was a good half day out with lots of hosed legs exposure, without worrying or bothering who will notice it.  A short walk and home James.

Hosed Mission Successful.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Outdoor Hose Report - Grey for a Change

One of the usual Mondays at work, but decided to something different for the offskin shade hoseout after work.  Usually I’ll start the week with an offskin shade such as the Nutmeg shade Propeds Sheer Supports, but this time round, I decided to swap the day of grey hose.

Matched the Smoky Pearl shade with my regular attire (picture hyperlink via Flickr for white muscle tee with vertical stripes berms) at the Gents’ outside the “hostile area” while taking an alternative route.  The weather’s been sunnier lately hence this shade makes the legs look rather flattering.  Unlike Sparrow, which is a little too heavy and pallid, this is the 2nd shade after Nutmeg which I personally liked.

Took the alternative route and stopped at a crowded traffic junction.  As it was an evening sun, the heatiness isn’t so blazing, yet bright and comfortable.  Hence, sunnies are not required, and I’ve got used to wearing offskin shade hosiery without hiding my eyes.  Afterall, hosing out and meant to be seen should be part and parcel of regular dressing since I started this.

As usual, there were a handful of students, working class who finishes earlier like me, and some others who are probably retires or homemakers, as well as tourists.  There were a couple of Caucasians standing near me; green man on, overtook a couple of slower walkers, passed oncoming pedestrians and soon, reached the subway.  There were a couple of females distributing flyers but they probably didn’t notice I was grey-hosed.  Down the escalator, past a few shops, more oncoming commuters and boarded the metro at my regular gate.  As I reached the station of main line back, I took the stand near the door, and could sense the guy standing near was taking an extended glance at my grey hosed legs.  That didn’t matter, as I was occupied on my phone, and proceeded to walk out as usual, transiting and reaching my hometown. 

Waited at the light rail platform without any special notice and soon, I was taking a walk home, passing a school and pedestrians.  A short walk and home James.

Hosed Mission Successful.

Outdoor Hose Report - Browning it Longer

A mundane day of work done and here's the moment I've been waiting or - hosing out, and this time, back to the Propeds Sheer Support, Chocolate shade, matched with long sleeved casual shirt, Uniqlo Airism lounge shorts in blue camoflauge and heavy look walking shoes.  I had brought a pair which looks Taupe in shade, but the material and yarn construction suggests that they won't hold up well after putting them on.

Took the alternative route as usual - a standard practice when I am in offskin shade hose.  Passed a large open area and avoided a scam chairty worker by shutting him off, made my way towards the traffic light and stood ant the area nearest to the road.  There were many commuters who arrived after me but that didn't matter.  The sun this evening was brighter yet casting a warmer light, which made my chocolate shaded legs look warmer.

Crossed the road and passed oncoming commuters which most were tertiary students (their more trendy dressing served as a guide), headed to the nearby hawker centre for an early refuelling since I won't have dinner company tonight.  Took the overhead tunnel, passed many off duty crowd and students roaming through the mall and found my way out from the other side of the road.  Took my usual route to the hawker centre, had my meal and exited through a rickshaw rider-infested area which I didn't bother if they were looking at my hosed legs.

Soon, I made my way through the tunnel and boarded the transiting train.  Working class commuters could be seen, but most of them are either engaged in their conversation or cellphones so there were no extended staring noticed.  The length of this shorts/pants are afterall, made not to show so much skin, especially when I'm in offskin shades.

Feeling pretty confient today so far since I made my way around openly without sunnies.  This shade proved much better as compared to Sparrow, which matching gets a little tricky.  The ride on the main route was quite alright since there aren't much space around for my hosed legs to be seen.   In any case, I have already made it a point for the hosiery to be seen with my attire hence I'm not a little worried about this getting seen.

Took the walk openly across the road after reaching my hometown, passing bicycle squads of foreign labor workers, home James.

Hosed Mission Successful.