Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Outdoor Hose Report - Additional Silky Exposure

Off work earlier as usual; hence I went to the nearby foodcourt's Gent's to change into casual wear so as to avoid being spotted by colleagues who finish around my timing.

Time to decommission another pair of black drugstore housebrand hose which has served me well for almost 20 wears which I wear under workpants.  Decided to show more hosed legs today by wearing a low back loafers and no-show socks.  Slipped into my favourite Propeds Elegant All Sheers Support Pantyhose, Beige along with above knee berms and walked out after getting that "heaty face sensation" off.

Walked across the library, passing walking pedestrians and those sitting at benches outside sheltered area and waited at the traffic light to my restocking zone.  Did a quick visual scan across and got busy on my phone; no one spotted my hosed legs.   Once lights turn green, I moved across with normal pace, passing young teriary girls, boys, working class and subsequently some diners seated at restaurants just along the walkway, right into the mall without anyone spotting my hosed legs.

Took the escalator up; this time I decided not to walk up quickly but allowed it to bring me to the next level.  There were OLs behind me who could immediately spot my hosed legs but it didn't bother me.  Went on to my regular store to stock up more of these hose I'm wearing since it's already a "spot on" style and color to my preference; didn't spend alot of time at the hosiery section as I already knew what I needed so it was a quick pick and go.  At the cashier, there was an elderly family but none of them were bothered spotting my hosed legs.

After paying (served by a sweet looking girl who appears to be a tertiary student), I walked past the main areas where female sales promoters could be seen before exiting the store; slow strolls to the escalator down to run some errands before taking the subway; queued behind a Malay couple while the lady was facing me as her partner was using the machine; there was another OL queuing for other ATMs beside me, at a distance where my legs could be seen in full view.  When both were done, none of them noticed my legs and so I did my stuff and headed for the subway.

Walked through the interchange, climbing stairs without hurrying in worry to be spotted in hosed legs, I did another visual scan around me quickly as I walked up to the platform.  Not the least uncrowded but I wasn't bothered and went to my usual gate.  While I was waiting for the train, I noticed a middle aged OL on the other side looking in my direction; she could be looking at my hosed legs but no matter.

During the trainride, visual scanned randomly and noticed no one was looking at my legs; not even the OLs sitting at the door seats facing me as I was standing at the inactive door side.  I chose this position as it was in full view of anyone who walked in to gain confidence.  As train was reaching my destination, walked nearer to door, stood in the middle section near the grab poles (an even more full view position) till the doors opened.

Walked naturally out, took my time walking up the "express" side of the escalator as it was a long way up at the transit station, reaching the LRT platform.  During the train ride, there was a middle-aged man standing facing me where he could see my hosed legs but I noticed he wasn't bothered.  Upon exiting, walked pass an OL (I noticed yarn color made my legs look a little tan under the warm lighting), passed the exit gates and crossing roads, other pedestrians who were completely oblivious to my hosed legs.

Took my time to open mailbox and got a vacant lift ready, home James.

Hosed Mission Successful.

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