Slipped on a pair of Su.Soku Extra Support Pantyhose, Color 80 (Black), with Uniqlo women's relaco shorts, navy and Power Play On shoes; these shoes are pretty well done so it's about time. The yarn seemed darker than most of the 20 denier hose I have worn so far, yet gives a good, solid enhancement, with support for the legs. The first pair of sneakers from Muji didn't feel too comfortable, so I swopped to the former.
More black sheered legs exposed - shoes weren't that comfy, sadly. |
The bus ride was quite jiffy, and I had to transit by walking to another bus stop which is nearby as identical bus services serves different routes, hence I made a short walk, passing by waiting passengers from the alighting stop, to the waiting stop. Throughout this walk, I noticed everyone was either preoccupied with waiting for buses, or fiddling with their smartphones so no one seemed to bother much. Even so at the next bus stop; probably because I was also standing in the corner of the sheltered area as it was a sweltering hour of the day; maybe someone from the back is staring, but heck it.
More black sheered legs exposed - Much more comfy walking! |
Sweltering hot even under the shade - Looking pretty dark. |
Black in the bus. Much more cooler and comfortable here. |
Passed a few exhibitor staffs (mostly guys) who were either stationed in their booths without customers, and took my exit out. Took the overhead bridge to start transiting buses back home. Even along the transit bus stops home, no one bothered much so it was pretty good. After about an hour's journey, walked to my place, and home James.
Hosed Mission Successful.
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